Playing the Indian Card

Friday, October 20, 2006

B.S. No Bitch, Liberals Insist

Bourque Newswatch headlines its current story about Peter McKay “Pissy Pete’s Hissy Fit.”

That, apparently is within the realm of civil discourse. Indeed, it is tossed off by what is supposed to be a neutral source.

In the story, McKay reputedly—he denies it—referred to Belinda Stronach as a dog.

That, apparently, is outrageous and beyond the pale. Even when said in partisan debate.

What’s the difference?

Could it be simply that Stronach is a woman? After all, if a man called another man a “dog,” let alone “Pissy Pete,” would anyone get upset? Or if a woman called a man a dog? Or a pig?

But let a man call a woman a bitch...

There’s an interesting double standard here. If women must be given such special consideration in debate, is it fair to men?

I say Fuddle Duddle.

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