Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I Laughed Until I Nearly Froze

The linked interview with William Shatner reminds us once again of a timeless truth: humour is Canada's national art form, and all Canadians truly believe that humour is the highest form of art.

Think too of Leslie Nielsen, who gave up serious acting as soon as he could.

Recall that for a generation, Wayne and Schuster were national symbols.

Recall that Canada's most loved writer, Canada's Shakespeare, is a humourist--Stephen Leacock.

For a couple of generations now, Canadians have dominated world humour. And not just through Hollywood; there is also China's top jokemonger, Da Shan.

Canadian political cartooning is also the best in the world.

We're a funny bunch.

And I give full credit to Canadian politics.

You just have to laugh.

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